Two videos from the German MYSTICA TV from 2021

Part 1 – The mystical path of healing

In this first of two conversations from Thomas Schmelzer (from the German MYSTICA TV) with Lars Muhl, Danish author, musician, and spiritual​ teacher, Lars recounts his journey from a searching youth to a successful, yet still searching, rock musician and finally to a mystic.

Early existential experiences paved the way for an initially lonely path, in which mystical experiences kept flashing up from time to time. The decisive turning point came in his encounter with the spiritual seer and healer Calle de Montsegúr, who freed him from a three-year illness within some moments of a short telephone call, and at whose side he spent nine years, learning much about spiritual truths.

We are divine beings who have the free will to use the creative power that was given to us for the good of all, or not. It is up to us. In doing so, it is helpful to recognize, regard and connect the masculine and feminine principles within…

Below you can watch the video in English.

The video is also available in English with German subtitles here:

Part 2 – Life as prayer

In the second part of the conversation with the mystic Lars Muhl we talk about the current time, where we have the chance to go deeper into silence and practise some things that help us to connect to our soul and to stay healthy – and not to be unsettled by fears or the outer world. Are we moving towards a new level of consciousness together?

Bringing light into the darkness will always be the most important task. What tools help us to do this? Prayers, for example. These may also be formed through our own words, that arise from our hearts. Or an Aramaic prayer. For Lars Muhl, prayer​ is not a ‘brainwash’, but a ‘heartwash’…

Below you can watch the video in English.

The video is also available in English with German subtitles here:


Thomas Schmelzer reads from Lars Muhl’s books in the programme ‘Buchblicke’, in German here: