Lars Muhl is coming to Affligem in Belgium for two exciting events: a talk and a workshop on ‘The Light within a Human Heart’.
Talk: The Light within a Human Heart
Time: 7 June 2019 at 20.00-22.30.
Lars Muhl will talk about his personal experiences and findings about the infinite universe of wisdom we all carry within our heart. There is an outer world that is exciting and fascinating, but there is an infinity of multidimensional possibilities in each individual, a completely different reality, just waiting to be opened.
Universal questions such as, who are we? where do we come from? what is the meaning of us? where are we heading? will be addressed.
‘The intuitive mind is a sacred gift, and the rational mind is a faithful servant. We have created a community that prays the waiter and has forgotten the gift.’
– Albert Einstein, physicist
Lars Muhl will end the evening with heart opening chanting with the participants. It will be possible to purchase Lars Muhl’s books and CDs at the event.
Workshop: The Light within a Human Heart
Time: 8-9 June 2019 at 10.00-17.00.
Submission: To create sacred space, for Spirit to unfold freely. Through teaching, chanting, prayer, meditation, storytelling, humor and silence, to open up hearts and to activate the light within it. To bring healing wherever healing is needed.
Background: Since his youth Lars Muhl has been studying Jesus and The Essene Mystery tradition. In 1983 he started a thorough study of Mary The Magdalene and Jesus’ deep significance as archetypes for our times. Lars started to study the Aramaic language of Jesus in 1988, and found in it the key to the esoteric teachings of Christ. For seven years he was the ’wizard’s apprentice’ of seer Calle de Montégur, today revered as one of the genuine mystics of our time.
Lars Muhl has written 22 books, of which the triology ’The O Manuscript’ containing ’The Seer’, ’The Magdalene’ and ’The Grail’ is his main work. The three books have been translated into 12 languages and published in 25 countries. His study on the Aramaic language, ’The Law of Light’ and his book on The Essenes and their healing methods, ’The Gate of Light’ is published in English.
Practical information
Place: De Kluizerij, Aalstersedreef 1, 1790 Affligem, Belgium.
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