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Lars Muhl besøger Amsterdam for at vise den engelske udgave af filmen ‘Seeren’ og at holde todages-workshoppen ‘The God Formula – Practice your co-creative power’.
Beskrivelse på engelsk
The Seer film
A rare and beautiful documentary by Lars Muhl about his spiritual mentor Calle de Montségur, also known as the Seer.
The Seer, Calle de Montsegúr, was capable of not only diagnosing and curing people with distant healing, no matter where they were on the globe, but was also able to read ‘The Book of Life’, where the destiny of mankind is recorded.
Lars Muhl became an apprentice to The Seer after he healed Lars from a debilitating long-term illness that no doctor could diagnose. The film is based on unique footage of The Seer recorded by Lars when they first met in 1998, and covers the three years Lars was an apprentice to The Seer.
This is an intimate first-hand account of The Seer in his element at the sacred mountain of Montsegur in southwestern France. We are with him in his home in Fuengirola in southern Spain as he is treating patients with distant healing. Some of the film footage is filmed with a hidden camera. The film is an opportunity to journey with Lars through his initiations by one of the most important healers of our time. The Seer shares several messages vital to understanding the current state of the world and changing the status quo.
Unfortunately, the film does not have subtitles for hard-of-hearing.
Lars Muhl will introduce the film and will be available for a Question and Answer period afterwards.
Ticket prices
Early Bird price: 19 Euro.
Normal price: 24 Euro.
Buy tickets here:
Time and place
14 August 2020 at 19.00-21.30. Unnumbered seats – the doors open at 18.30.
De Roos – in the ‘Hooftzaal’, P.C. Hooftstraat 183, 1071 BW Amsterdam.
The God Formula – Practice your co-creative power – workshop
Let your speech be like a river
on the wound beneath my skin
let your silence be an ocean
a sea a sinner care to swim.
Let me hold you when I’m blinded
take my hand and lead me through
those who seek their own won’t find it
in the nakedness of you.
– Lars Muhl
Every soul that is born expresses an original state that is both universal and unique at the same time. Call it the DNA or genetics of the soul that contain the purpose and possibilities of that soul in this incarnation. Unfortunately, this initial condition is exposed to a bombardment of impressions, influences from other people in the newborn’s environment. And slowly, the possibilities of the soul are limited so that a human being can in fact live a full life and achieve external success, without ever getting close to the qualities needed to activate and to take the next big step its path toward redemption for humanity.
It is not a new phenomenon, but something the initiated into the old mystery traditions, such as the Guardians of Light, were aware of. Therefore, at that time, they began experimenting with different practices that would bring the mystery school student closer to this original state and the qualities that await there. That is also the purpose of spiritual work in today’s world.
Thus, prayer and vocal invocations are a form of downloads and passwords that open up gateways to higher consciousness plans. It is a form of updating and transformation, as Yeshua said: it is necessary to be reborn already in this life, in order to gain access to the inner Kingdom of Heaven.
We will work with practices from the mystery tradition of the Essenes, in which Yeshua and Yohanna the Baptist received their education. These are practices that will open up to the participants’ innate, but all too often hidden, qualities. During the two days Lars Muhl will create a sacred space, working with the Archangels, practicing Aramaic chanting, vocal practice, sound healing, healing, intuition, joy and silence. Lars always works intuitively in the holy instant – so no two retreats will be the same. We invite to show up with an open mind and open heart, so you can receive the passwords to heaven that your soul is asking for.
The retreat is based on Lars Muhl’s book’s ‘The Law of Light’, ‘The Wisdom of a Broken Heart’, and his newest book ‘The God Formula’ that will be officially released in English on 14 September 2020, however all the attendants of the Amsterdam workshop will get a PDF of the new book after the retreat. The new book, ‘The God Formula’, is carrying the essence of everything Lars Muhl has been studying and practiced since his youth. The following questions will be addressed: Is God dead or is He on vacation? What or who is God? There is a hidden, everlasting power of healing and light inside every human being. This book tells, in a very direct and simple manner, how you can activate and unfold this power.
Prices and tickets
Early bird price: 299 Euro.
Regular price: 349 Euro.
Price for students and senior citizens: 199 Euro.
All prices include coffee, tea and water during the day. Excluding lunch.
Buy tickets here:
About the venue
Centrally located in Amsterdam city.
De Roos (The Rose in Dutch) in the ‘Hooftzaal’, P.C. Hooftstraat 183, 1071 BW Amsterdam.
For more info:
Participants must book accommodation and transportation to and from the venue themselves.
Organic and vegetarian food can be bought in the venue’s restaurant.
Programme for the retreat
Saturday, 15 August:
9.45-15.45: The God Formula workshop.
16.00-17.00: Book presentation of Lars Muhl’s book ‘Taxo Luma’ that has just been translated into Dutch – this is free for the attendants of the workshop.
Sunday, 16 August:
10.00-16.00: The God Formula workshop – day two.
About the author
Lars Muhl is a Danish author, mystic and musician, born in Aarhus, Denmark, in 1950.
Lars was for years an internationally acclaimed singer and composer who, along with his musical career, studied the world religions and esoteric knowledge. Studies that began at the age of 15 years.
Then, in 1996, he was struck by an unexplained illness that neither the doctors nor the therapists could diagnose. For three years he was bedridden unable to move or think properly. Thanks to the intervention of a close friend, Lars was put in contact with a seer who, by telephone, brought him back to life.
It was the beginning of a totally new existence, and the beginning of this quest he described so strikingly in his trilogy entitled ‘The O Manuscript’. A trilogy that since 2002 has been sold in 70,000 copies in Denmark. The trilogy is published in numerous countries and has followers around the world.
Lars Muhl says: ‘This retreat is based on everything I’ve worked with over the years: conscious breathing, prayer, rituals, meditation, intuition, healing, singing, healing by sound, energetic work and the ancient practice of conscience by the Essenes, ‘the fire chariot’, with all the practices having the Aramaic language as starting point.’
‘The kingdom of heaven (Malkoota d’Shmeya) is in you and all around you’, says Yeshua in Luke’s Gospel and Thomas’ Gospel. This is the very basic and most important starting point of the workshop – that we can connect to the kingdom of heaven within us.
It is through this inner heavenly kingdom that we understand who we really are, where we come from, what we do here and where we go. This knowledge must be fully integrated in all of us. This is the prerequisite for everything with which we must work during the workshop, and this statement will be a red thread throughout the course.
In the Netherlands, the three volumes of ‘The O Manuscript’ have been published separately by Edicola Publishing: ‘De Ziener’, ‘De Magdaleen’ and ‘De Graal’. The workshop also presents the Dutch edition of Lars Muhl’s most recent book ‘Taxo Luma’, a spiritual novel inspired by the prophecy about a future coming of the Messiah.