Interview from September 2018

Nina Hall, who is a singer and blogger living in Berlin, has made an interview with Lars Muhl. Nina has asked Lars why he thinks so many kids and young people suffer from depression, anxiety, attention deficit disorders, and what he thinks we can do to help them.

Every month Nina Hall interviews a person, who has dared to follow a dream and dares to live with passion. A person that she finds inspiring. She wants to know ‘how they do it’. How do they overcome fear of failure and just keep moving on. What do they do when they face challenges, which we all do in life?

Nina hopes it can inspire more of us to implement more passion in life, both in careers, our choice of education, our relationships etc. She believes that passion is one of the key factors to long-lasting happiness and better mental and physical health for both adults and also our kids.

Follow Nina Hall’s blog here:

Part 1 of the interview

Around one year ago my sister told me to read a fascinating, inspiring and very transforming book. Transforming in the sense that it made me re-think many things and look at life in a different way. The book was written by the famous Danish Rockstar Lars Muhl, who I until then only thought of as a musician from Denmark, the country where I also grew up.

I remember Lars Muhl’s massive Danish hit ‘Sjæl I Flammer’ from 1987. His fame was huge in Denmark. For years he played the large stages until he suddenly got very ill and had to stay in bed for 3 years. No one could help him. He tried all kinds of treatment and things remained the same. He could barely do his shows and withdrew himself more and more from the public eye.

What was happening? How could he ever get a normal life again? One day he was introduced to ‘the Seer’, a man called Calle Montsegur, who was said to be able to perform miracles and helped people all over the world.

It took a five-minute phone call followed by some ‘energy-work’ (healing), and Lars fell into a very deep sleep. Two hours later he woke up and got out of bed. He felt normal again, for the first time in years. Since then he visited The Seer and became his ‘apprentice’ over the next several years. This changed the life of Lars Muhl and he began writing more books on the topic.

He wrote the book ‘The Seer’ about his meeting with the Healer and the following journey he embarked upon. This is the book I read and loved. Today Lars Muhl is on the list of the top 100 most influencial Esoteric Writers alive. However, these ‘titles’ do not really seem to mean anything to Lars, who is more into the quality of people’s work, rather than the ‘brand’ they carry or the fame they have.

A few weeks ago, I decided to write to Lars Muhl’s assistant to ask for an interview. I wanted to know Lars’ take on why so many young people suffer from depression today. Why so many parents find it difficult to raise their kids. Why so many kids are put on anti-depressives and diagnosed with ADHD or Autism. How does he think we can help our younger generation and what is the reason for this massive down-ward spiral in our mental health?

I honestly did not think Lars Muhl would agree to do an interview with me, but he did! It was a highly inspirational talk of 30min, which I will present to you over the next few days. I hope you will enjoy the read.

You will find links to Lars Muhl’s website at the end of this post.

With love from me to you



Nina (N): Today I am talking to the Danish Musician and writer of esoteric books Lars Muhl. Hello Lars, and welcome to the interview!

Lars (L): Hello (He says in a soft and friendly voice)

N: Thank you for taking the time for this interview

L: Thank you for having me.

N: Yes, of course! I would like you to describe who you are in your own words.

L: Hmmm, long story. Since I was a child, because of certain circumstances, I was opened towards spirituality in a rather harsh way, if I may say so. Anyway, It was the beginning of a lifelong path I have been on and not so many people, who know me from the music scene are aware of that my main business really was to study all the world’s religious traditions and philosophies and so forth. So, what I did for almost a lifetime, or what feels like it, was just to study and not to practice what I was studying.

Then in 1995 when I suddenly became sick and was bound to the bed for three years, I was connected to the man who became my teacher, ‘The Seer’ also know as Calle Montsegur. He got me out of bed after a 5min telephone call.

N: He got you out of bed and this state after just one call?

L: Yeah, we talked for five minutes and afterwards I felt a slight knocking in the back of my neck and I went to sleep. After two hours of deep sleep I woke up to a world that after three years in black and white, was suddenly in Technicolor.

N: Wow, this is amazing. And this man, Calle, who you talk about is the one you wrote the book ‘The Seer’ about?

L: Yes, yes.

N: And you had tried other forms of medical help for three years and nothing had helped?

L: I had been trying to get diagnosed both from ordinary doctors and also healers. But nobody was able to diagnose or heal me in any way.

N: So you just lay in your bed and could not do music or work or anything?

L: No, only sporadically I would have a few days here and there, but otherwise I was just not able to do anything.

N: When you look back at this with the knowledge you have today, do you think that this (illness) happened for a reason, so that you had to contact Calle?

L: Yeah, the reason for me laying there, which I found out later, was that I was not practicing the things I was studying. So after I got out a bed, Calle asked me to come down to Montsegur where he was working and visit him six months later. I became sort of an apprentice to him. It was there that he told me that you cannot study and not practice.

Also I had a very difficult time to change my life from being a rock musician and to leave all this behind, because I was making quite a lot of money and I had an identity as a rockstar and so on. But I knew all along that he was completely right. I just had not had the guts to do it.

So, now I had met this man who was practicing and not reading. So in many ways it was the perfect match. I worked with him for seven years during which I also wrote my Trilogy ‘The Seer’, ‘The Magdalene’ and ‘The Grail’, which are now called ‘The O Manuscript’.

N: Ahh, they are all three part of ‘The O Manuscript’.

L: Yes yes, they ARE ‘The O Manuscript’.

N: So, if you want to read all three books you can just buy ‘The O Manuscript’. Good to know. I was very fascinated when I read your book ‘The Seer’ cause it is such a powerful story. I mean I have read a lot of esoteric books and I practice meditation, but just like you say, it is so easy to read about all this and forget to practice it in the everyday life. Laziness or just other priorities often come in and take over instead.

L: Exactly.

N: Well, today I would actually like to talk about why you believe that so many young people have huge problems. I mean, I grew up in Denmark, which is a quite a wealthy country and now I live in Germany and I seem to see the same problems. Very young kids are suffering from anxiety, depression, and for the older teenagers also the inability to somehow ‘take charge of their own life’. What I mean is that it is difficult for many of them to function without someone telling them exactly what to do. Basically it is challenging for many of them to lead a normal life, complete an education, keep a job and most importantly (in my opinion) to be happy.

L: Uhmmm

N: Also many parents are suffering from stress and depression. So, I would like to hear your view on why it is so bad and what you think we can do to aid our selves and our children.

L: To me there is no doubt that the main problem, which is also the reason for all the other problems, is that you divert yourself from all your qualities and from your ‘higher self’, so to speak. You are just watching and living from the ‘small self’ and the ‘ego view’, then of course that is what you get! You should imagine that we as humans were born with such strong abilities that we can do everything we want.

But, we need to know that there is a certain law involved if we want to achieve everything that we have always dreamt of and that we are looking in the wrong places. You know, that is because it has something to do with spirituality and a lot of people are afraid of religions, because they have been witnessing how a lot of more or less sick people in the name of a certain religion do this or that. This has frightened a lot of people from really trying to dig deeper and evolve it within themselves. So this is the new challenge for everybody.

The only answer to all the questions you might have is that we start on that path, which is self-development and spirituality in order to get through all the noise that we have surrounded ourselves with. Right into the center of our own being.

You know, there is another completely confused thing and that is that everybody is looking for happiness outside of them selves. So they look here, there and everywhere and are running from one place to another, but they won’t find what they are looking for. Instead they should be sitting down to look within.

That is exactly what Jesus said that we are born into, if you want to stay in the Christian religion. He said: ‘Don’t forget that kingdom of heaven is within you’. He actually says that in the New Testament. But nobody is talking about it in the church.

N: No, cause then you would not have to go to the church. Then you could just ‘stay at home’ and go within.

L: No, no, no. Exactly! Well, you could go to church, but you don’t have to go for the reason you are going now, because you think it is there (Note by Nina: to get in touch with your own higher self / the divine within us all).

N: Yes, you can connect to this energy wherever you are. You don’t have to go and sit in a physical church to do that. But for some people it is just easier to go to a church to connect to this through something more physical.

L: The next thing is, that if you decide to do this and you think: ‘This is the answer to all my questions’, well then you need to start to practice. When we start to practice we find out that we have to leave our comfort zone. But people today, I mean…don’t take me wrong…but we are lazy and kind of like Zombies.

And somebody somewhere had this brilliant idea that in order to just ‘close everybody down’ we were given a screen so we can sit like dumb fools and Zombies looking into our screens. And everybody is looking into their screen on the phones. Everything has to go through that screen, so we forget to look within ourselves. It is a distraction and it is a very very….almost criminal act towards humanity.

N: You mean the internet and constant access to being bombarded with not just useful, but most of the time ‘un-useful’ knowledge?

L: Exactly. It is nonsense. And more and more fake news is popping up and more and more…just crazy stuff. Now it has more or less become a place where people can get rid of their frustration and anger about not getting what they wanted. They think that: ‘I am not satisfied, so I must buy a bigger screen or newer telephone’ and so they are more distracted.

I mean there is nothing wrong with the telephone, as there was nothing wrong with the typewriter, but the dangerous thing about this is that it makes us Zombies. We become technocrats. We think we can solve all problems with technology. There is one thing I can tell you and that is: That is not possible!

If we turn our backs to our selves and our inner abilities, then we will never ever find any solutions to any problem that we are creating all the time. More and more problems are being created and we are not solving any of them. We think we are able to, but we won’t solve anything. We will just create more noise and more distraction.

N: Yes, and this is also what you see with so many kids today. They sit with their screens and interact through the screen.

L: If I was a kid living in this world I would try to get away from it as fast as I can. I think the screen is part of that. It is a way to get far away.


Part 2 of the interview

L: If I was a kid living in this world I would try to get away from it as fast as I can. I think the screen is part of that. It is a way to get far away.

N: This answer puzzled me a bit, cause I had actually not thought about the screen like that…that it was an escape for kids and teens from the real world, cause it is all too much. My response was: ‘You mean you think the kids try to escape the reality through the screen cause it is all too overwhelming?’

L: Yes, cause they are all just surrogates. They are not getting the real stuff or the real deal. Nobody is telling the truth. Nobody knows anything. I mean, if you are born into a world of Zombies, what would you do? Coming maybe from another place where you were completely clear and sharp. Just imagine for a new soul coming into this world, being so clear and sharp and just thinking: ‘What the hell am I doing here. Why should I come to a place like this?’

You know, the kids are trying to adjust the best they can. Every time they try to be who they really are they get ‘closed down’ with the message that: ‘You are sick, so take these pills’. You won’t make it in this world if you don’t ‘come into the fold’ you know.

(Note: Lars talks about that souls arrive from another ‘pure’ place before entering a physical body on our planet).

N: So, don’t fall outside the norm and break the patterns?

L: Exactly, and the norm and the patterns are being more and more restricted and rigid.

N: Although we think we are freer than ever and have access to more knowledge, the opposite is actually occurring? So we are in fact becoming a form of prisoners of our own small worlds.

L: Yes. That is the brilliance of that illusion. The brilliance of those, who created that illusion. Maybe they created it for some reason, I don’t know. But sometimes when you hear people that develop all those theories, you could actually think they may be right in some cases.

N: You mean conspiracy theories?

L: Yeah. I just think it is all about money. Money talks. If you want to write a good book or read a good book, it is a book that has been a Bestseller and has sold in millions of copies. Or if you want a good teacher it is the teacher who has the most followers on the internet. You know, it is all measured by ‘how much’ and not about the quality of what is within. And that is the world.

So everybody is striving to get their 15minutes of fame and hopefully make a lot of money. And it does not matter what it is, it can be a doctor inventing some crazy story about something and all the zombies think ‘wow isn’t that funny’ you know.

N: But do you think that the reason why so many kids and teens want to be rich and famous is that they see it makes you more seen and heard, which maybe many of them feel they are not cause their parents are so stressed out?

L: Exactly.

N: I mean it is not to blame the parents cause we are all just a product of our society. It is the way we started to live. You have parents that are physically there, but mentally they are somewhere else (in their list of to-do’s or worries or whatever?) and the kids feel this immediately.

L: You know when you see parents sitting with their kids, and I see this everyday, it can be on the ferry, on a train on anywhere, this is an opportunity to be together and to do something together. Even the parents are just watching their screens and haven’t got time and they say: ‘Oh, go and buy a cookie or something’ and they are just into their own games and movies and all this shit.

N: Yes, it is somewhat overwhelming for everyone and many people don’t know how to brake out of it. It has become their world and their everyday.

L: I experience a lot of young parents today, being just the same frustrated children as their own children. And I would say it goes another generation back to their parents as well. And everybody is sitting with those screens you know, playing games. So, argh….

N: So this is the big challenge. If the solution to the problem of kids suffering from depression and anxiety is resulting in them having to be medicated, rather than ‘Pulling the internet plug’ and maybe also creating more ‘real’ connection to the parents, then we have to detox both kids and parents from the internet. How to do that? I guess it starts with the parents being aware of the impact their addiction to the screen has on their kids, well and also the whole lifestyle of us parents.

L: But you know, if it is in politics and everything, then you know, this is just the norm. I mean, everyone does it. How can you live without it? Just imagine the day the whole internet closes down?!

N: I think of that quite often. You know, many people would be paralyzed.

L: Yes. And nobody would know anything cause they cannot Google it.

N: I myself was born in 1980, so I was lucky to grow up before the internet but still have it as a part of my childhood. So I think it is more easy for me to create a online/offline balance, cause I have such great memories from the time before the internet.

I can easily value how it is to be offline. But the kids that are younger than me, they have never tried life without the internet. They don’t know what it is to be offline for longer. For them it is not natural. They have to be taught how it is and that is the role of the parents. Bring the kids to a place where you maybe don’t have your phone or internet, so they can more easily reconnect to their higher self, as you call it, which is who they really are….or just experience peace of mind after a while.

L: Uhm.

N: Of course not everyone reading this interview know about the higher self and what it is, but if they are interested in finding out more, they could maybe start by reading one of your books? Do you have something that would be recommendable for beginners?

L: Yeah yeah. I mean, it doesn’t matter how long you work with this, we are all beginners. Each and every one of us has our own special path to walk. No one can put down something universal and say: ‘if you do like this then that will happen’. What this is all about is to be reconnected to that Kingdom of heaven within you. And when you are connected that is when you start opening up to your intuition for example.

If you don’t use your intuition, then it won’t use you! Meaning that every time you turn on a GPS or something like that, you turn your back on your intuition. I have seen people talking about ‘how is the weather today’ and instead of looking out of the window, they Google it! They don’t even trust their own eyes!

Or their own feelings or senses!

N: Hahaha…yes, it is true (I laughed quite a bit at this remark cause I do it too when I want to find out how to dress my little son!)

L: This is the maximum distraction of everything, you know. That we start to mistrust our own senses and our own inner voice. So, we have to reconnect and actually religion comes from the old latin phrase religare, which means to re-connect to the higher. To God or to the higher self. So that is actually what religion is all about: to reconnect! Yeah! Because when you come into this world you are disconnected.

When you are young you are naturally going into this ‘Tivoli’ of a world and you have to taste every forbidden fruit there is. Try this drug or this drink and you have to go through the whole sexual thing too. And that is how it is because you are to discover what this world is all about and use your senses.

But there comes a time when you are just full of it and you need to do something else. And if you don’t get out of it and find out that you need to re-connect inwards, then you just slowly become a Zombie who just thinks about getting entertained, eating unhealthy food, you know, and watching the screen and just being yeah….hmmm

N: Yes, or maybe you become ill?

L: Yes! So that is a challenge…to get out of the ‘Tivoli’ of norms and the Zombie circus you know.

N: But maybe it is also cause the world is so overwhelming in many ways, especially when you are young. You have to make so many choices early on and that it is so easy to fall into the ‘reward’ trap before you complete your list of ‘to-do’s’ or what choices to make. Weather it is pleasure through sex, drugs, drinking or partying, even shopping, or just being online.

L: Yes exactly.

N: Somehow it enables you to reach a mild form of this total bliss state you can reach when you meditate.

L: Exactly.

N: But of course through meditation you can stay in that state for much longer and it is not unhealthy.

L: I also think that besides meditation, it starts with finding out what the Law of Light is.


Part 3 of the interview

(This first part is a re-post of what we just talked about in the previous part of the interview, so you can more easily follow our conversation)

L: I also think that besides meditation, it starts with finding out what the Law of Light is. That which is connecting everything in the universe. There is a secret law and that is to treat other people the same way that you would like to be treated. Because if you just walk on the street and throw things like paper on the pavement, I mean someone is going to clean it up after you. Just by that small thing, you have broken the law of light.

It is that we start to be more present and see how we affect other peoples lives by just walking through it and that we start to be more passionate, more grateful and more graceful and be more helpful towards others, you know. Because in that is actually where we start connecting. And we can do it everywhere and with whatever we do.

When we go down to the drugstore or supermarket, or where ever we are we can start practicing the Law of Light. I think that is the base of everything. Find a new view on who you are and who other people are. Just begin to see that the world was not created for your sake only. Everybody is not just some ‘xtras’ in a film where you are the main role.

So really start to see that we are all coming from the same place: we are all one! That is actually what Christianity was all about and we forgot. I think, like Dalai Lama he says when he comes to Europe and sees people coming in dressed like Buddhists in orange robes: ‘why do you dress like this when you have Christianity?’

I mean it is no accident that you are born into this, you just have to go deeper. If you are not satisfied with what they teach you in the church, then go deeper into the Esoteric Christianity. That is a challenge for us. We don’t go to church and why not? Cause they are just scratching the surface. Nobody is going deep anywhere in Christianity, so this has been a part of my work in my book The Law of Light, and in the latest The Gate of Light.

I have been very much into the old practices of the old mystery schools that Jesus also attended. Because I found that we need a practice that everybody can do. I mean it is so simple! It is just about deciding that: ‘now I want to do it’. You don’t need to go to university and any child can do this. Any child can start healing using their healing abilities that we all are carrying.

Everybody can work with reading the Book of Life to open up to the higher clairvoyance or intuition or whatever you want to call it. Anybody can do it. It was given to us freely. Nobody is using it and that is why we are frustrated because deep down in every being we know about these things. We have just forgotten about them. So, there is something within us that is responding towards this negligence. Even when we go out in the world we are becoming more and more sad because of that. We are looking for a reason for why we are sad and we get medicated because we are sad, not knowing that the only reason is that we turned our back on ourselves.

N: Yes, and became disconnected.

L: YES! So we need people who know about these things who can go out in the world and try to tell people about this. I just finished my latest book that comes out in Danish now and which is the most important book written not only by me, but I dare say, I have not read a book like that myself. It is a book that is offering everything that I have been working with all of my life. All the experiences I have done, and I am giving all the practices that anybody can do. Also practices I learnt from ‘The Seer’. Everything is in that book. The new book is called ‘The light within a human being’.

N: And what is the title in Danish?

L: ‘Lyset i et menneskes hjerte’. It will be out at the end of this year and next year hopefully also in German, just like my other books are translated into other languages. Because this is the most important book.

N: The most important book out of all those you have written so far?

L: Yeah I find that this is the most important.

N: You know, I would like to ask you something else Lars, which is that we often read about how the kids that are born today or maybe during the last 10-15 years are more high-vibrational and often very intelligent. Do you believe this is true?

At this point in the interview my recorder paused on its own. Yes, the dream scenario while you are doing an interview! Luckily enough I had pen and paper and could write down his answer in good old-fashioned style on paper.

Lars’ agreed to the fact that many of the kids born today are highly sensitive (note by Nina: This means that they experience and sense things much more than many of us adults do. That is also why things often get too overwhelming for them faster, cause they ‘take so much in’. However, they are often highly intelligent both in terms of a high IQ but also often a high emotional intelligence).

More of these souls are ‘arriving’ as the world (and people here) is in dire need of more high vibrational souls to aid it. It is so unfortunate that they are often just diagnosed with ADHD and other attention deficit disorders, when they are in fact just operating on another level than us older humans. They are not ‘sick’, they are just misunderstood and finding it difficult to ‘operate’ in a dense and intense world such as ours.

Because these kids are more sensitive they also are more affected by the poisons in our foods and these have been building up since the 1950’s. Lars even talks about how he thinks that some people may have a secret interest in making us all more sick through our food, such as the medicine industries.

At this point my recorder began recording again, so from here on you get the exact words.

L: There are actually powers that would like to maintain this despite that the world in crumbling down around us, you know. I think until the last day or the day before everything is just exploding there will be people defending it just because of money.

I mean all those people who are waking up, and we are lucky that more and more people are waking up, they see that politicians are not doing enough and they then realize that: ‘Oh, it is up to us know’. So you will see more and more people in the streets.

I also foresee that there will be a Civil War in the USA because of that crazy president and all those crazy people who support him. And they have so many weapons there. So I think it is building up and a lot of it is coming to Europe to. We have the Brexit people and all those Neo Nazis. All these things.

People who are frustrated and want to get their frustrations out and then need a cause and hang their frustration on some crazy politician, who need his or her 15 minutes of fame. I mean it is all insane and it is up to us, you know. And you cannot do it by twisting people’s arms around you.

You just have to keep on providing the facts as good as you can and also show by your own example that there IS another way of doing things. You cannot preach but you can show other people by your own example and it starts down in the supermarket today!

You can go down and treat people like you want to be treated and you can buy things that you find are proper to buy. If more and more people buy organic food, then they have to produce more Organic food.

N: Listen to the consumers needs.

L: The only thing we can hope for is that it is not too late.

N: Yeah and just look at the weather and how hot it has been in Germany and Denmark this summer.

L: Yes, ALL over. Even in America. It is all over the world. And still there are people denying that it is happening (Global Warming).

N: Yes, as you say it is good that people are beginning to wake up, we just need more people to wake up faster.

L: And the minute that people find out that they can actually sit down anywhere and start practicing and actually change the environment around them in the space that they are. For instance if you are in a delicate spot and there are a lot of people screaming and shouting, you can sit down and actually just by practicing peace (visualizing peace and thinking peaceful thoughts) you can spread that peace in that room or where ever you are. And within a few minutes it will just dissolve and it will be peaceful. I do that all the time.

N: So you can just sit down and send out kind of a peaceful energy?

L: Yeah and you know it is all about dedication and being present and then you can do it. I do it every day and every where I go if I feel for it. I just step aside for a few minutes and practice and then …

N: And then you feel a change?

L: Yes.

N: That is a powerful tool and probably also one you describe in your new book?

L: It is!

N: Sounds like something that would be good to have on my bookshelf and not just to read but also practice. Well, I think I have come to the end of my questions so thank you so much for doing this interview Lars.

L: Thank you.

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We do not sell, trade or otherwise transfer your personally identifiable information to outside parties. This does not include trusted third parties who help us operate our website, conduct our business or provide services to you, as long as those parties agree to keep that information confidential. We may also release your information when we believe that release is appropriate to comply with the law, enforce our website policies or protect our rights, property or safety or that of others. However, non-personally identifiable visitor information may be shared with other parties for marketing, advertising or other uses.


The minimum information we need to register you is your name, email address and a password. We will ask you more questions for different services, including sales promotions. Unless we say otherwise, you have to answer all the registration questions. We may also ask some other, voluntary questions during registration for certain services (for example, professional networks) so we can gain a clearer understanding of who you are. This also allows us to personalise services for you. To assist us in our marketing, in addition to the data that you provide to us if you register, we may also obtain data from trusted third parties to help us understand what you might be interested in. This ‘profiling’ information is produced from a variety of sources, including publicly available data (such as the electoral roll) or from sources such as surveys and polls where you have given your permission for your data to be shared. You can choose not to have such data shared with the Guardian from these sources by logging into your account and changing the settings in the privacy section. After you have registered, and with your permission, we may send you emails we think may interest you. Newsletters may be personalised based on what you have been reading on At any time you can decide not to receive these emails and will be able to ‘unsubscribe’. ----- Children's Online Privacy Protection Act Compliance We comply with the requirements of COPPA (Children's Online Privacy Protection Act), we do not collect information from anyone under the age of 13. Our website, products and services are all directed to individuals who are at least 13 years of age or older. Updating Your Personal Information We offer a "My Information" page (also known as the Dashboard) where you can update your personal information and change your marketing preferences at any time.
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