Saturday and Sunday 30.11. and 01.12. 2024
from 10:00h to 17:00 pm
Lars and Naleea have just finished their new book, THE TRUE AND THE ETERNAL. The book, which is based on their personal experiences with spirituality, is set for release by Watkins Publishing in May next year.
In the coming workshop the participants are given a rare opportunity to get a taste of the teachings from the book, which are an expansion and deepening of their former White Dove workshops.
We live in difficult and challenging times, that call for our involvement on many personal and collective topics. Whatever we choose to focus on in our everyday lives, we must know who we are and what we came here to do. Each one of us has a unique purpose in the great celestial enfoldment. The workshop is for everyone who has come to the conclusion that it is time that human beings are stepping up to their real purpose in this incarnation.
Through spiritual practice, we raise our conscious awareness and receive healing, joy, clarity and guidance. The White Dove is a symbol for our life lived in connection to Spirit. Are we allowing it to fly freely? If we do, it will fly straight into our hearts and from there on back into the world, with its eternal blessing of peace, presence, gratitude, gracefulness, generosity and loving kindness.
Lars Muhl (1950) is a Danish mystic, author, and musician known for his exploration of spiritual topics, including Yeshua, Mary Magdalene, and the wisdom of the Essenes. Since his youth, he has dedicated himself to the study of Aramaic and world religions. Lars has been working with Naleea Landmann since 2017, and their latest collaboration, The True and The Eternal, will be published by Watkins Publishing in May 2025. His books have been translated into 10 languages and published in 27 countries.
Naleea Landmann (1973) is a German mystic, healer, author, musician and trained actress. A natural-born intuitive, she has been collaborating and co-writing with Lars since 2017, working together in workshops concerts and on the books The Light Within a Human Heart, The Sacred Numbers of Initiationand The God Formula, which she also translated into German. In 2023 she made her solo debut with the book The Love That You Are a spiritual companion and paraphrase on the 22 prayers of Psalm 119 from the Old Testament. A German edition is also available: Die Liebe die Du Bist.