Online webinar – ‘The God Formula’ (Die Gottes Formula) workshop med Lars Muhl på engelsk med tysk oversættelse.
Praktiske informationer
Tid: søndag d. 24. maj 2020, kl. 18.30-21.30 dansk tid – Central European Summer Time (CEST)
Efter ca. en times undervisning vil der være en pause på 30 min.
Til sidst i webinaret vil det være muligt at stille spørgsmål til Lars Muhl i chatten.
Early bird-pris: 149 kr. ved køb senest d. 17. maj 2020.
Normalpris: 199 kr.
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Webinaret vil være på engelsk med tysk oversættelse (Naleea Landmann).
Beskrivelse af webinaret på engelsk
The God Formula Webinar 2020
For urban angels & other free spirits
This is an online workshop based on a whole life of studying and practising sacred language, sacred song and sacred breath.
I teach only what I have experienced myself. The workshop’s main focus will therefore be to unfold the Essence of the Eternal Power within each and everyone of us, that we call God.
We were born in God’s image, and we carry its power right within us. It is our responsibility to take care of its power of that image and to use it well. But first, we must recognise it to such a degree, that we totally have trust in it. Every human being carries within itself all the knowledge and wisdom there ever was.
We are eternal beings and we are here for a reason. Most humans are not aware of these facts. In order to obtain access to our Inner Kingdom of healing and wisdom, we will use vocal-prayer, body-prayer, chanting and silence. In this way, we are strengthening our connection to our Higher Self. We were meant to be healers, storytellers, prophets, poets, singers and dancers. Together we will heal ourselves, each other and the world.
‘Tell your Soul she shall wear her most beautiful dress tonight.
Tell her, the time has come: The stars gave their blessing.
What happens now leads closer to the Light.’
– Hans Kruppa
May God Bless you
And your loved Ones
May His Light shine
On you always.
’Cause there’s a Light that shines forever
Hidden deep within our hearts
And every breath we take is sacred
Feel it’s Presence in this Now!
May God Bless you
And your loved ones
May His Light shine
On you always.
And there’s a Song that sounds forever
All the way through space and time
Hear it calling, feel it falling
From your heart right into mine!
May God Bless you
And your love ones
May His Light shine
On you always.
Lars Muhl is a Danish teacher, author and musician.
He has been studying spirituality ever since he was young, and the Aramaic language since the 1980’s. He was a student of the seer Calle de Montségur for 9 years, and has written the international bestseller ‘The O Manuscript’ (The Seer, The Magdalene, The Grail), and the books ‘The Law of Light’, ‘The Wisdom of a Broken Heart’ and ‘The God Formula’.
His latest book ‘The God Formula’ has so far been published in Danish and English.