I samarbejde med Alternatives afholder Lars Muhl et retreat på engelsk i Glastonbury. Beskrivelse på engelsk:

Join Lars Muhl for his retreat exclusive to Alternatives in the magical and ancient town of Glastonbury. The retreat is based on everything that Lars Muhl has worked with throughout the years, breathing therapy, prayer, rituals, meditation, intuition, healing, chanting, vocal sound healing, energy work and Chariot of Fire practice, with the psychology of the Aramaic language as a resonance bond.

The Light within a Human Heart Within retreat has the mystery tradition of The Essenes and the Therapists of Alexandria as a role model. These mystery traditions educated the first deacons, that we know of, long before the term deacon was known. The Essenes called themselves Children of the Light, while the Therapists were called the The Ones Dressed in White.

’The Kingdom of Heaven (Malkoota d’Shmeya) is within you, and everywhere around you’, says Yeshua in The Gospel of Luke and in The Gospel of Thomas. This is the completely fundamental and most important point of departure of the workshop that we are able to connect ourselves to The Kingdom of Heaven within. That we through this Kingdom of Heaven understands who we truly are, where we come from, what we are doing here and where we are going. This knowledge has to be completely integrated in each of us. This is the prerequisite for everything that we are going to work with on the workshop. Therefore, this will be the first and continuous practice throughout the whole course.

‘If you follow my example, you will be able to perform even greater wonders than I’, says Yeshua in The Gospel of Matthew. This statement is the starting point of the workshop. We wish to make a reality of Yeshua’s words and actions through our own experiences and deeds. That is, in our relations with other people, everywhere we go, and in our healing and energy work.

During the retreat Lars will take us to the Tor and Chalice Wells for a group ritual and chanting, using the water and the land for healing. We will also take you for a cleansing journey at the Red Springs. There will be time for personal reflection, and to explore the wonderful landscape of Glastonbury.

All accomodation, breakfast, lunch, transfers and teachings are included in the accomodation packages. Tuition only package available. Payment plans available.

Read more an buy tickets here