Today, Lars Muhl’s new book in Danish ‘Lyset i et menneskes hjerte – Bogen om det uendelige univers indeni’ (The Light within a Human Heart) is published by Harper Collins. You can buy the book in your bookstore or order it here on our...
‘Der Gral’ – the German version of Lars Muhl’s book ‘The Grail’ is out now, which means that now the whole ‘The O Manuscript’ (The Seer, The Magdalene, The Grail) is available in German, published by J.Kamphausen. Buy...
Media in English
Interview from September 2018 Nina Hall, who is a singer and blogger living in Berlin, has made an interview with Lars Muhl. Nina has asked Lars why he thinks so many kids and young people suffer from depression, anxiety, attention deficit disorders, and what he...
Media in Danish
Video fra september 2018 Lars Muhl introducerer sin nye bog ‘Lyset i et menneskes hjerte – Bogen om det uendelige univers indeni’.
Media in Danish
Video fra august 2018 Samtale mellem Lars Muhl og Hanna Snorradottir (islandsk historiefortæller, coach og miljøingeniør) om Lars’ nye bog ‘Lyset i et menneskes hjerte – Bogen om det uendelige univers indeni’.