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Video from Amsterdam, October 2021
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Video from May 2021 Lars Muhl’s book ‘The Wisdom of a Broken Heart – The Gospel of Yeshua & Mariam’ has been published in a new edition by Watkins Publishing. In this beautifully designed hardback gift book from spiritual teacher Lars Muhl...
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Two videos from the German MYSTICA TV from 2021 Part 1 – The mystical path of healing In this first of two conversations from Thomas Schmelzer (from the German MYSTICA TV) with Lars Muhl, Danish author, musician, and spiritual teacher, Lars recounts his journey...
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Article for the German Engel Magazin from 2020 Text by Naleea Landmann, photos by Anders Rye Skjoldjensen At the other end of the line Lars Muhl answers in a bright voice as I call him at our arranged time for a talk about the Divine Presence. “Just a moment...
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Video from June 2020 Links to other videos with Lars Muhl ‘Gateways & Passwords to Heaven’: ‘The Gate of Light’:
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Interview from December 2019 NL: I am always deeply moved by the times of music and stillness in your workshops. Could you try to explain what happens in those moments? LM: It is really beyond me. First of all, as a singer, you have to let go of all ambitions of...